October 9, 2008

Templates... ahh how I love templates.


So... this new template I'm playing with is not working right... not too sure how to fix it either. I haven't ever used a xml temp before. I finally got the links to work though, so I'm making progress!!!! :D
In my search for the perfectest template out there (and yes, perfectest is a word, atleast in my dictionary :D), I ran across some almost equally cool ones. Here's a list w/ links to those...
  1. (I almost put this Awesome Artsy thing as my temp instead of the one I have now, which do YOU like better? :)
  2. Here's a really awesome Garden/Flower themed temp... really like this one. Wish it wasn't so simple though.
  3. This Piano Template was pretty cool, but too plain for my taste ;)
  4. This FBI/Super Top Secret Template background and folder format was uber cool...
  5. Ok, so I really wasn't considering this one, but it's AWESOME! Because it's a Ratatouille Template!! YAYY!! I loveth that movie ^_^

So there's a short list of the temp's I've been looking at lately. My next feat is going to be to import my music player to this blog... :)



Unknown said...

Good luck on the music.

To remove the pesky "undefined", look for this in your template and take it out.

Its a bit after midway in your script.
div class='date-tab'

span class='month' script type='text/javascript' document.write(date_mmm); /script

span class='day' script type='text/javascript' document.write(date_dd);

Bri said...

Ok thanks, I'll look for that!