March 6, 2014

Dear Baby Boy..

So, did I mention last post that I was very very prego? :) wellll, No-Name Hughes is due March 3rd.. I guess I should say "was due". He has decided he likes it in my tummy much more than coming out to see me on the outside. I don't blame him though, from what I've read, labor is hard on both moms and babies. All of the stress that comes along with being pushed out of a small opening must be hard to accept (sorry if that's too, erm, "gross". But this is real life!;)


Pregnancy has not treated me well so far little one. But you are worth it. Just to give you an idea though (and so I can whine about it ;), here's a list of pain I have gone through: feet swelling, 7-8 straight months of nausea at random times of the day (mostly in the AM making surviving getting around and ready for work difficult), back pain, unexplainable pelvic pain, and Socratic nerve pain so terrible I could not walk (I thought you were going to make an early entrance-- but it's been very much the opposite case!). But like I said, oh so worth it. 

Right now, you don't have a name in my mind. Everyone has been calling you Parker (Allen Hughes), but I just have to see what you look like first before I decide. Isaac is another name I love, it means laughter. I also love that Isaac in the bible was used as a symbol of his dads obedience to God. 

I wonder if you will have blonde, brown, or red hair? I had red hair as a baby when I was born, and Kelly was bright blonde for a long time. As for eye color, even if your eyes are blue when you are born, I bet they will turn green eventually. Your dad's eyes are the prettiest green, and mine changed from blue to green all growing up, but now they are a solid green most of the time. 

Right now you are moving on my right side, kicking at the top and bottom of my stomach. Guess you are stretching. Seems at night that you like to wake up around 12 and then 4:30am when I go to bed at our normal time of 8:30pm. Tonight though I couldn't sleep. I had a terrible migraine earlier today and had a nap, so now I'm wide awake. You do like to move though, and that will be your dads and my most missed part of pregnancy. Feeling and watching you move around in my now quite large belly. Ill have to show you the terrible stretch marks you caused me when you get older, so you can see how big it really was ;)

Your dad is snoozing right now, but tonight before he went to bed (like most nights) he talked to you in my belly and told you that he loved you and said to hurry up and get here. He loves you so much, we both do, and he is so excited to have a buddy around to ride fourwheelers/tractors/horses with. And if you decide you don't like doing those things, that's ok too- we cannot wait to see what type of hobbies and interests you end up discovering.

Ok, my letter/note is done for now. Will try and sleep, and not to be too anxious for you to come. You have been moving and active the whole time I've been writing this. I will definitely miss the feeling of little kicks and stretches with me at all times.

Your Mom

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