June 23, 2010

You're the God of this City!

There is no one like our God...
There is no one like our God...

I keep repeating this to myself throughout my days.
"Greater things have yet to come, and greater things are yet to be done in this city!", Chris Tomlin couldn't have said it any better in his song "God of this City"

And I so believe this. It also applies to my own life... "Greater things have yet to come, and greater things are yet to be done in my heart and life!"

I am so amazed at what GOD is doing in my heart. Not anyone else. God. My God.

I am so joyful... sometimes when things are at their worst, I just give it up to God, and he gives me peace. I so love peace. It's one of my most favorite emotions, and lately I had rarely been getting it. The reason for that though is because I was not asking for it, and I was not giving myself to Him. I wasn't letting go of the terrible things going on in my life that I can not control.

It's all over now though. For that I am thankful.

The Lord is good, and his mercy reins forever..

As undeserving of a person as they get..

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