December 26, 2010

New Years weekend.. not so much.

So I was/am planning this roadtrip to Fort Worth at the end of the week.
Trevor lives in Abeline, so it's not too far for him to drive, and we can stay in his grandma's huge house for free (free is good!).
We were planning on Ethan, David, and I going up there and meeting him for New Years weekend (which is also his birthday weekend).
Everything was going good until some stuff happened (parentals aren't happy that I am going with guys), and now I might not be allowed to go.
This sucks.
I am so tired of stuff like this. I want to be able to just pick up and go on a roadtrip with my friends whenever I want to without having to get approval from anyone. I am a good judge of character and can take care of myself. I have my taser and my mace and my Karate training, what more do I need? BLeh.
Ok I am done ranting and venting.

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